Although Cutter's not quite as weak or pathetic, considering he was The Mole for the Phanfasms. Friendly Enemy: Lion works with Petra when she asks for his help in getting to Phanfasm Island.Badass in a Nice Suit: Per his being an Amoral Attorney.Arch-Enemy: Lion is written as Petra's, since the game starts with bad blood between them, and they eventually conclude that they'll face each other again near the end of the game.As seen in his conversation with Scraps, if customers can't pay, Lion usually sends goons to rough up or sabotage their businesses. Amoral Attorney: Lion charges ridiculous rates for his services, at least up to 10,000 emeralds on average.Street Smart: Petra never had the chance to attend university, but that doesn't make her any less clever and intuitive.Mistaken for Gay: When she brings Betsy Bobbings the flowers:īetsy: Thanks, but you got the wrong idea.It fits her because of her strong personality, and also because she is a citizen of the Emerald City - emeralds are precious stones. Meaningful Name: "Petra" is the Greek for "Stone".She also never gives up on finding her brother. Knight in Sour Armor: Although Petra first comes off a detective who is Only in It for the Money, she proves on countless occasions that she willingly stands up for what is just, despite her cynicism and belief that Oz is a Crapsack World.She's more snarky than she is cynical, and is addicted to coffee, not alcohol. Hardboiled Detective: Parodied with Petra.This is especially evident when she goes undercover to find Frogman's files, and when she hires Lion to argue in favor of her ambassadorship so that she can legally travel to Phanfasm Island to find her brother. Guile Hero: Petra's main tactic in going forward in her investigations is to manipulate and influence suspects to give up information.However, after her brother went missing during the war and the Ozian army presumed him dead, Petra defected from the army and started her own detective business while continuing the search for her brother, complete with hard-boiled cynicism as a result of the experience. Cynicism Catalyst: Petra was more duty-bound, like Jinjur, when she was willing to support the Ozian army in their fight against the Phanfasms.Berserk Button: Petra doesn't like it when people tell her she should prioritize duty over her little brother.Brainy Brunette: As a Guile Hero, Petra often uses her smarts to get out of sticky situations.